Monday, October 14, 2019

Runa Vimochana Narasimha Stotram – ऋण विमोचन नृसिंह स्तोत्रम्

ॐ उग्रं वीरं महाविष्णुं ज्वलन्तं सर्वतोमुखम्। नृसिंहं भीषणं भद्रं मृत्युमृत्युं नमाम्यहम् ॥

जय जय नरसिम्हा!! जय जय नरसिम्हा!!

Runa Vimochana Narasimha Stotram – ऋण विमोचन नृसिंह स्तोत्रम्

देवता कार्य सिद्ध्यर्थं सभा स्तम्भ समुध्बवम् ।
श्री नृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋण मुक्तये ॥ १ ॥

लक्ष्म्यालिङ्गित वामाङ्गं भक्तानां वरदायकम्।
श्री नृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋण मुक्तये ॥ २ ॥

आन्त्र मालाधरं शङ्ख चक्राब्जायुध धारिणं ।
श्री नृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋण मुक्तये ॥ ३ ॥

स्मरणात् सर्वपापघ्नं कद्रूजविषनाशनम्।
श्री नृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋण मुक्तये ॥ ४ ॥

सिंहनादेन महता दिग्दन्तिभयनाशनम् ।
श्री नृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋण मुक्तये ॥ ५ ॥

प्रह्लाद वरदं श्रीशं दैत्येश्वर विदारिणम् ।
श्री नृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋण मुक्तये ॥ ६ ॥

क्रूरग्रहैः पीडितानां भक्तानामभयप्रदम् ।
श्री नृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋण मुक्तये ॥ ७ ॥

वेद वेदान्त यज्ञेशं ब्रह्म रुद्रादि वन्दितम् ।
श्री नृसिंहं महावीरं नमामि ऋण मुक्तये ॥ ८ ॥

य इदं पठते नित्यं ऋणमोचन सञ्ज्ञितम् ।

अनृणे जायते सत्यो धनं शीघ्रमवाप्नुयात् ॥ ९ ॥

Powerful Narasimha Mantras – In Hindi, English with Meaning – For Protection
Narasimha who is one of the most powerful avatars of Lord Vishnu, (the protector in the Hindu Triad) is known to be fierce to fight and remove all that is evil and as a result protect all his devotees from every negative aspect of life. He is regarded as the embodiment of victory of good over evil.
Vishnu assumed this fierce form on top of Himvat mountain (Harivamsa). He is believed to have taken the avatar to destroy the demon king Hiranyakashipu.

Lord Narasimha is said to have half human and half lion appearance where the torso and the lower body is that of human while the face and claws are that of a ferocious lion. In conjunction with the bodily appearances, Lord Narasimha is described in various forms and is said to have about more than 74 forms with respect to different postures and weapons that he holds in his hands. The 9 main ones are collectively known as Nava-narasiṁha and as follows :

1. Ugra-narasiṁha
2. Kroddha-narasiṁha
3. Vīra-narasiṁha
4. Vilamba-narasiṁha
5. Kopa-narasiṁha
6. Yoga-narasiṁha
7. Aghora-narasiṁha
8. Sudarśana-narasiṁha
9. Lakṣmī-narasiṁha

Out of these forms, the Lakṣmī-narasiṁha is the form where Goddess Lakshmi is sitting on His lap and the Lord is calmer than the other forms.

Due to the nature of Narasiṁha’s form (divine anger), it is essential that worship be given with a very high level of attention compared to other deities.

In many temples only lifelong celibates (Brahmācārya) are able to have the chance to serve as priests to perform the daily puja. Forms where Narasiṁha appears sitting in a yogic posture, or with the Goddess Lakṣmī are the exception to this rule, as Narasiṁha is taken as being more relaxed.

नरसिम्हा महामंत्र
ॐ उग्रं वीरं महाविष्णुं ज्वलन्तं सर्वतोमुखम्। नृसिंहं भीषणं भद्रं मृत्युमृत्युं नमाम्यहम् ॥

अर्थ: हे उग्र वीर महाविष्णुं, आप बहुत तेजवान और बहादुर हैं। तुम्हारी ज्वाला एवं ताप चतुर्दिक फैली हुई है। हे नरसिंहदेव, तुम्हारा चेहरा सर्वव्यापी है, तुम मृत्यु के भी यम हो और मैं तुम्हारे समक्ष आत्मसमर्पण करता हूँ।

इस मंत्र का जाप नियमित करें और सच्चे मन से करें। इससे आप पर भगवान की कृपा बनी रहेगी। साथ ही आपके सभी कष्टों का निवारण होगा |

नरसिम्हा‍ प्रणाम प्रार्थना -

नमस्ते नृसिंहाय प्रहलादाहलाद-दायिने। हिरन्यकशिपोर्बक्षः शिलाटंक नखालये ॥

इतो नृसिंहो परतोनृसिंहो, यतो-यतो यामिततो नृसिंह। बर्हिनृसिंहो ह्र्दये नृसिंहो, नृसिंह मादि शरणं प्रपधे॥

मैं भगवान नरसिम्हा को प्रणाम करता हूँ। हे ईश्वर आपके नख बहुत पैने हैं जिन्होंने हिरण्यकश्यप का वध कर दिया और उसकी छाती को फाड़ दिया। आप हम सभी के ह्दय में बसे हुए हैं। मैं स्वयं को आपको समर्पित करता हूँ।

नरसिम्हा गायत्री मंत्र -

उग्रनृसिंहाय विद्महे वज्रनखाय धीमहि, तन्नो नृसिंह: प्रचोदयात ! वज्रनखाय विद्महे तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्राय धीमहि ! तन्नो नृसिंह: प्रचोदयात !

अर्थ- ओउम्, भगवान आपके नखों को प्रणाम। आपमें सिंह की शक्ति आपको भयमुक्त बनाती है और अच्छे कर्म करने की ओर अग्रसर करती है। हमें भी इन नखों और नुकीले दांतों से प्रेरणा लेनी चाहिए कि मन को साफ बनाकर बुराईयों को ऐसे ही मारना होगा। ईश्वर मैं आपको प्रणाम करता हूँ।
भगवान नरसिम्हा की पूजा व आराधना करने के लिए आप इन मंत्रों व प्रार्थना का उच्चालण व पाठ कर सकते हैं इसके आपके जीवन में सुख-समृद्धि आती है:

नरसिम्हाप प्राप्ती -
माता नरसिम्हा, पिता नरसिम्हा , भ्रात नरसिम्हा, सखा नरसिम्हा।, विद्या नरसिम्हा्, द्रविणम नरसिम्हा, स्वामी नरसिम्हा, सखा नरसिम्हा, इथू नरसिम्हा, पारथो नरसिम्हा, यथो नरसिम्हा। यथो यथो यथि,

तथो नरसिम्हा नरसिम्हा देवाथ पारो न कासिचिट तास्मान नरसिम्हान श्रारनम प्रपाद्ये।

अर्थ - हे प्रभु, आप ही मेरे माता, पिता, भाई, दोस्त कुछ हैं। आप दुनिया भर के ज्ञान और धन से सम्पन्न हैं। आप मेरे गुरू हैं और आप ही सब कुछ है। मैं जहां भी रहूँ, आप सदैव मौजूद रहेंगे। आपकी

सर्वशक्तिमान शक्ति किसी और के पास नहीं है। मैं आपको स्वयं को पूर्ण समर्पित करता हूँ। हे मेरे ईश्वर, मुझे स्‍वीकार करें और दुनिया के दुखों व भय से मुक्त करें।

ॐ नमो महा नरसिंहाय-सिंहाय सिंह-मुखाय विकटाय वज्रदन्त-नखाय माम् रक्ष-रक्ष मम शरीरं नख-शिखा पर्यन्तं रक्ष रक्षां कुरु-कुरु मदीय शरीरं वज्रांगम कुरु-कुरु पर-यंत्र, पर-मंत्र, पर-तंत्राणां क्षिणु-क्षिणु खड्गादि-धनु-बाण-अग्नि-भुशंडी आदि शस्त्राणां इंद्र-वज्रादि ब्रह्मस्त्राणां स्तम्भय-स्तम्भय,जलाग्नि-मध्ये रक्ष गृह-मध्ये ग्राम-मध्ये नगर-मध्ये नगर-मध्ये वन-मध्ये रण-मध्ये श्मशान-मध्ये रक्ष-रक्ष,राज-द्वारे राज-सभा मध्ये रक्ष रक्षां कुरु-कुरु, भूत-प्रेत-पिशाच -देव-दानव-यक्ष-किन्नर-राक्षस, ब्रह्म-राक्षस, डाकिनी-शाकिनी-मौन्जियादि अविधं प्रेतानां भस्मं कुरु-कुरु भो:अत्र्यम- गिरोसिंही-सिंहमुखी ज्वलज्ज्वाला जिव्हे कराल-वदने मां रक्ष-रक्ष, मम शरीरं वज्रमय कुरु-कुरु दश-दिशां बंध-बंध वज्र-कोटं कुरु-कुरु आत्म-चक्रं भ्रमावर्त सर्वत्रं रक्ष रक्ष सर्वभयं नाशय-नाशय व्याघ्र -सर्प-वराह-चौरदिन बन्धय-बन्धय, पिशाच-श्वान दूतान्कीलय-कीलय हुम् हुम् फट।। 
To have Lord Narasimha in one’s favour and get the best of results from chanting His mantras, one must keep in mind the following things :

One should start chanting from a Thursday facing north.

Yellow clothes should be worn for this purpose.

A ghee lamp should be lit in front of Lord Narasimha and he should be offered with incense & flowers.

Narasimha Mantra

Narasimha Maha Mantra
“Om hrim ksaumugram viram mahavivnumjvalantam sarvatomukham।
Nrsimham bhisanam bhadrammrtyormrtyum namamyaham ॥”
Meaning: ‘Oh Angry and brave Maha-Visnu, your heat and fire permeate everywhere. O Lord Narasimha, you are everywhere. You are the death of death and I surrender to You.’
Benefit: Reciting this Mantra with utmost devotion results in the gain of the armour of Narasimha which protects everything that is blessed and destroys all problems of the chanter.

Narasimha Pranama Prayer
“Namaste narasimhaya, prahladahlada-dayine, hiranyakasipor vaksah, sila-tanka nakhalaye |“
Ito nrsimhah parato nrsimho, yato yato yami tato nrsimhah, bahir nrsimho hrdaye nrsimho, nrsimham adim saranam prapadye ||”
Meaning: ‘I offer my obeisances to Lord Narasimha, who gives joy to Prahlada Maharaja and whose nails are like chisels on the stone like chest of the demon Hiranyakasipu.
Lord Narasimha is here and also there. Wherever I go Lord Narasimha is there. He is in the heart and is outside as well. I surrender to Lord Narasimha, the origin of all things and the supreme refuge.’
Benefit : This is a powerful mantra that when recited regularly will relieve people of their debts and insolvency however severe and acute and give protection against any further problematic situations.

Dasavatara Stotra
“Tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-srngam,
kesava dhrta-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare ||”
Meaning: O Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Hari, who have assumed the form of half-man and half-lion, all glories to You! Just as one can easily crush a wasp between one’s fingernails, so in the same way the body of the wasp-like demon Hiranyakasipu has been ripped apart by the wonderful pointed nails on your beautiful lotus hands.’

“Tvayi raksati raksakaih kimanyaih,
tvayi caraksati raksakaih kimanyaih iiti niscita dhih srayami nityam,
nrhare vegavati taṭasrayam tvam॥”
Meaning: ‘O Kamasikha Narasimha! You are sarva sakthan. When you are resolved to protect some one, where is the need to seek the protection of anyone else? When you are resolved not to protect some one, which other person is capable of protecting us? There is no one. Knowing this fundamental truth, I have resolved to offer my saraṇagati at your lotus feet alone that rest at the banks of Vegavati river.’

Divya Prabandham

“Adi adi agam karaindhu isaipadip padik kannir malgi engumnadi nadi narasinga endru, vadi vaduum ivval nuthale ||”
Meaning: ‘I will dance and melt for you, within my heart, to see you, I will sing in praise of you with tears of joy, I will search for Narasiṁha and I am a householder who still searches to reach you (to attain Salvation).’

Narasimha Gayatri Mantra
“Om Nrisimhaye vidmahe vajranakhaya dhimahi tan no simhah Prachodayat |
Vajra nakhaya vidmahe tikshna damstraya dhimahi tan no narasimhah Prachodayat ||”
Meaning: ‘Om! Let us be well aware of Nrisimha, the lightning-nailed. May the Lion promote our thought and actions. Let us meditate on He who is known as the possessor of nails as hard as thunderbolts and sharp teeth. Let us all be enthused by Lord Narasimhadeva.”

Sri Narasimha Maha Mantra
It is stated in Shastra that this mantra is the essence of all kavacha mantras, or mantras meant for wearing in a kavacha (capsule). The mantra is often written on a small piece of bark, such as from the botch tree. Then it is sealed in the capsule with a tulasi (Holy Basil) leaf or even flower petals that have been offered to the deity of Lord Narasimha. After worshipping the deity of Lord Narasimha with sixteen upacharas or items of worship, the pujari or priest performs a ritual called prana-pratistha: he calls the Lord to reside in the kavacha. He then worships the kavacha. Then it has full protective power. Men can wear the kavacha around the neck or on the upper right arm, while women wear it around the neck or on the upper left arm. The Kavacha may be worn in all circumstances, at any time, or in any place.
“Ugram viram maha-vishnum jvalantam sarvato mukham |
nrisimham bhishanam bhadram mrityur mrityum namamy aham ||”
Meaning : ‘I bow down to Lord Narasimha who is ferocious and heroic like Lord Vishnu. He is burning from every side. He is terrific, auspicious and the death of death personified.’

Narasimha Prapatti
“Mata narasimha, pita narasimha
Bratha narasimha, sakha narasimha
Vidyaa narasimha, dravinam narasimha
Swami narasimha, sakalam narasimha
Itho narasimha, paratho narasimha
Yatho yatho yahihi, tatho narasimha
Narasimha devaath paro na kaschit
Tasmaan narasimha sharanam prapadye ||”

Meaning: ‘Mother is Narasimha; Father is Narasimha
Brother is Narasimha; Friend is Narasimha
Knowledge is Narasimha; Wealth is Narasimha
My Lord is Narasimha; Everything is Narasimha.
Narasimha is in this world, Narasimha is everywhere (Omnipresent)
Wherever I go, there is Narasimha
Narasimha is the Supreme Lord, there is none other than HIM
So, I humbly seek refuge in you, Shri Narasimha.’
Benefit: A simple sloka that acts as a ‘great protective shield’ at all times.

Lord Narasimha is a Ugra Form of Lord Mahaa Vishnu, but His Ugra Form is fearsome only for those who are demonaic in nature and transgress the line of Dharma. For His devotees, He is the Shantha Narasimha - the Graceful Lakshmi Narasimha with Devi Lakshmi seated on His lap and His child Devotee Shri Bhakta Prahlaada worshipping Him.

Worship of Lord Narasimha makes a person brave and adventurous. Mere sight of a Narasimha Upaasakaa is enough to drive away most minor goblins, and doshas. The Revered Aachaarya of Sringeri (now of Revered memory) - Shri Ugra Narasimha Bharati was a living example of what siddhi of Narasimha Upaasanaa can confer on a living soul. The mere presence of the Aacharya has driven away disturbing elementals from haunted houses.

For householders who are in the grips of debts, Runa Vimochana Narasimha sthothram is a panacea to the trouble. Chanting it once every day can be an antidote against falling into a debt trap. Those who are already facing severe debt crises, can try chanting it 8 times, 18 times, or 32 times, or even 108 times to get immediate relief during critical periods. This is one of the mantras that can give speedy relief from debts and improvement in financial condition (even if the horoscope indicates disastrous financial prospects for a native, this sthothra can change the Fate).
Another powerful hymn on Shri Narasimha is "Shri Lakshmi Narasimha Karaavalamba sthothram" - requesting His Helping Hand during critical periods.

The Sahasranaamam of Shri Lakshmi Narasimhar is a wonderful composition vested with poetic beauty of a Divine degree. You can almost Feel the vibes as you keep chanting certain portions of it.

Those who can recite these shothras can do so and become recipients of His Grace. Others may simply chant "Jaya Jaya Simhaa....Jaya Narasimhaa" with devotion as many times as possible. (Paaraayanam group members please note that the Runa Vimochana sthothram is already in our Files section which you may listen to on that day; I will try to upload the file on Shri Narasimha Karaavalambham also if possible). After the recitals, offering of Paanagam (mixture of water, Gur, cardomom) can be placed in the prayer altar which can then be consumed by everyone after the pooja.

Visit to Divya kshetras like Sholingar (called Kadigaachalam), Ahobhilam, Mangalagiri, Mattapalli Narasimhar temple, etc. on this day will be very auspicious.

Lord Narasimha is varaprasaadhi. According to one traditional legend, when the demon Hiranyakasipu queried his son Bhakta Prahlaada about Shri Hari's abode, the child replied that He is everywhere. But, even before the child answered thus, Lord Vishnu was so anxious to prove His Devotee as correct that He pervaded the Whole Universe with his tejas so that He can appear at momen't notice wherever the child shows his hands (after the child could have shown any place as per his whim and fancy; the Lord wanted to prove him correct without the least delay!). It is well-known that when Hiranyakasipu pointed at a pillar and asked if Hari is there, Prahlaada boldly said yes. When Hiranyakasipu kicked the pillar, Lord Narasimha manifested immediately and put an end to the demon.

It may just be a poetic exaggeration about Lord Vishnu being "anxious" about which place His devotee will show as His abode and from which He should manifest immediately, thereby He pervading the Whole Universe with His tejas....... (afterall the Omniscient Lord need not take special efforts to be everywhere....HE IS ALREADY EVERYWHERE!). The point to be noted about this is that it gives a hint about the "attitude" of this Ugra Narasimha.....He is ever ready to extend a helping hand to His devotees at moment's notice and to grant them boons.

May He with the Lion Face who manifested in a pillar on the expressed confidence of His child Devotee at moment's notice be with us and protect us from all perils - at the very moment when we seek His Assistance.
Lord Narasimha is one of the avatar of Lord Maha Vishnu. It is believed that Lord Maha Vishnu took the avatar of Lord Narasimha during the sunset of Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi titihi day with Swati Nakshatra on the month of Vaishaka (mid-April till mid-May) to slay the demon Hiranyakashipu
Lord Narasimha is also sometimes spelled as Narasimma, Narasingha, Narasinghar, Narsingh, Narasimmar, Nrusimha, and Narasimha Swami among others.
Lord Narasimha is said to have half human and half lion appearance where the torso and the lower body is that of human while the face and claws are that of a ferocious lion. In conjunction with the bodily appearances, Lord Narasimha is described in various forms and is said to have about more than 74 forms with respect to different postures and weapons that he holds in his hands. The 9 main ones are collectively known as Nava-narasiṁha and as follows :

Out of these forms, the Lakṣmī-narasiṁha is the form where Goddess Lakshmi is sitting on His lap and the Lord is calmer than the other forms.

Due to the nature of Narasiṁha’s form (divine anger), it is essential that worship be given with a very high level of attention compared to other deities

Narasimha Moola Mantra
Best Days To Chant Narasimha Moola Mantra

If you are unable to chant the mantra on a daily basis, you may chant it on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays. Other than that, you may chant the Narasimha Moola Mantra on Swati Nakshatra days as well as on Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi days. You may also chant it on Narasimha Jayanti that falls on the Hindu month of Vaishaka (mid-April till mid-May) each year during Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi.

Best Day To Initiate The Narasimha Moola Mantra

The best days to initiate the mantra are either on a Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi or on a Shukla Paksha Swati Nakshatra day. A day that has the combination of both the tithi and nakshatra is considered utmost auspicious to start chanting the Narasimha Mantra. Apart from that, once can also initiate the Narasimha Mantra on Narasimha Jayanti.

Best Time To Chant The Moola Mantra Of Narasimha

The mantra is best recited during Brahma Muhurta. Apart from that, one can also chant it during sunrise and sunset. Mangal Hora (Mars Hora) is also considered auspicious to chant the mantras of Lord Narasimha.

Number of Times To Chant The Narasimha Moola Mantra

This mantra can be chanted for a minimum of 3 times on a daily basis. Apart from that, one can also chant it for 9, 21, 33, 108, or 1,008 times.

Who Can Chant This Mantra

This powerful mantra can be chanted by anyone regardless of gender and age.

*Ladies should avoid chanting this mantra during their monthly menstrual cycles.

Attaining Mantra Siddhi Of The Narasimha Moola Mantra

In order to attain mantra siddhi of the Narasimha Moola Mantra, you must start chanting it starting from a Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi and it must be chanted for 1,008 times daily for a period of 32 days.

How To Worship Lord Narasimha ?

You can use the either the photo or yantra of Narasimha.

Where To Chant The Narasimha Moola Mantra

This mantra should be chanted facing the East while seated on either the Northeast or East quadrant of your house or puja room. One can also chant this mantra outdoors while watching the sunrise.

Naivedyam / Nivedyam / Nivedhinam / Prasadham (Food Offerings) For Narasimha

The most preferred Naivedyam of Lord Narasimha is panakam. Panakam is a drink made with jaggery, cardamon, tulasi (basil), and ginger. Besides panakam, one can also offer sweet prasads such as sweet pongal and traditional sweets as well as fruits.

Besides that, just a handful or a small piece of jaggery and/or rock sugar too can be offered as naivedyam (nivedhinam) to Lord Narasimha.

Flowers / Plants For Lord Narasimha

The holy Tulasi (holy basil) is normally used for worshiping Lord Narasimha. Other than that, any fragrant white flowers such as Jasmine, White Champa, White Lotus, and White Rose can be offered.

*Never ever offer artificially coloured flowers to Gods.

Japa Mala For Narasimha Moola Mantra

You can use rosary beads (japa mala) made out of the bark of basil plant known as Tulasi Mala or clear quartz crystal (spadika mala) for the japa of the Narasimha Moola Mantra

The Narasimha Moola Mantra is given below :

Om Nram Nram Nram Narasimhaaya Nama:

The Narasimha Moola Mantra in Sanskrit :

ॐ ण्रं ण्रं ण्रं नरसिम्हाय नम​:

The Narasimha Moola Mantra in Hindi :

ॐ ण्रम् ण्रम् ण्रम् नरसिम्हाया नमा:

The Narasimha Moola Mantra in Bengali :

ওং ন্রং ন্রং ন্রং ন্র্সিম্হাঅয নম:

The Narasimha Moola Mantra in Gujarati :

ઑં ણ્રં ણ્રં ણ્રં નરસિમ્હાય નમ​:

The Narasimha Moola Mantra in Kannada :

ಓಂ ನ್ರಂ ನ್ರಂ ನ್ರಂ ನರಸಿಂಹಾಯ ನಮ:

The Narasimha Moola Mantra in Tamil :

ஓம் ந்ரம் ந்ரம் ந்ரம் நரஸிம்ஹாய​ நம​:

The Narasimha Moola Mantra in Telugu :

ఓం ణ్రం ణ్రం ణ్రం నరసింహాయ నమ​:

The Narasimha Moola Mantra in Roman Transliteration :

Ŏṁ ṇraṁ ṇraṁ ṇraṁ narasimhāya nama​:

Best Days To Chant Narasimha Maha Mantra

If you are unable to chant the mantra on a daily basis, you may chant it on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays. Other than that, you may chant the Narasimha Maha Mantra on Swati Nakshatra days as well as on Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi days. You may also chant it on Narasimha Jayanti that falls on the Hindu month of Vaishaka (mid-April till mid-May) each year during Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi.

Best Day To Initiate The Narasimha Maha Mantra

The best days to initiate the mantra are either on a Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi or on a Shukla Paksha Swati Nakshatra day. A day that has the combination of both the tithi and nakshatra is considered utmost auspicious to start chanting the Narasimha Mantra. Apart from that, once can also initiate the Narasimha Mantra on Narasimha Jayanti.

Best Time To Chant The Maha Mantra Of Narasimha

The mantra is best recited during Brahma Muhurta. Apart from that, one can also chant it during sunrise and sunset. Mangal Hora (Mars Hora) is also considered auspicious to chant the mantras of Lord Narasimha.

Number of Times To Chant The Narasimha Maha Mantra

This mantra can be chanted for a minimum of 9 times on a daily basis. Apart from that, one can also chant it for 108, or 1,008 times. All those who cannot chant the mantra 9 times in a row can also recite it thrice. Children and teenagers can chant it 3 times in the morning, 3 times in the evening, and 3 times before going to bed.

Who Can Chant This Mantra

This powerful mantra can be chanted by anyone regardless of gender and age.

*Ladies should avoid chanting this mantra during their monthly menstrual cycles.

Attaining Mantra Siddhi Of The Narasimha Maha Mantra

In order to attain mantra siddhi of the Narasimha Maha Mantra, you must start chanting it starting from a Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi and it must be chanted for 1,008 times daily for a period of 48 days.

How To Worship Lord Narasimha ?

You can use the either the photo or yantra of Narasimha.

Where To Chant The Narasimha Maha Mantra

This mantra should be chanted facing the East while seated on either the Northeast or East quadrant of your house or puja room. One can also chant this mantra outdoors while watching the sunrise.

Naivedyam / Nivedyam / Nivedhinam / Prasadham (Food Offerings) For Narasimha

The most preferred Naivedyam of Lord Narasimha is panakam. Panakam is a drink made with jaggery, cardamon, tulasi (basil), and ginger. Besides panakam, one can also offer sweet prasads such as sweet pongal and traditional sweets as well as fruits.

Besides that, just a handful or a small piece of jaggery and/or rock sugar too can be offered as naivedyam (nivedhinam) to Lord Narasimha.

Flowers / Plants For Lord Narasimha

The holy Tulasi (holy basil) is normally used for worshiping Lord Narasimha. Other than that, any fragrant white flowers such as Jasmine, White Champa, White Lotus, and White Rose can be offered.

*Never ever offer artificially coloured flowers to Gods.

Japa Mala For Narasimha Maha Mantra

You can use rosary beads (japa mala) made out of the bark of basil plant known as Tulasi Mala or clear quartz crystal (spadika mala) for the japa of the Narasimha Maha Mantra

The Narasimha Maha Mantra is given below :

Ugram Veeram Mahaa Vishnum

Jwalantham Sharvatho Mukham

Nrisimham Bheeshanam Bhadram

Mrityu Mrityum Namaam Yaham

The Meaning of the Maha Mantra Of Narasimha Deva :

O’ angry and brave Maha Vishnu

Your heat and fire permeate everywhere

O’ Lord Narasimha, you are everywhere

You are the death of death and I surrender to you.

The Narasimha Maha Mantra in Sanskrit :

उक्रं वीरं महा विष्नुं
ज्वलन्थं सर्वथो मुकं
न्रुसिम्हं बीशनं बद्रं
म्रुत्यु म्रुत्युं नमां यहं

The Narasimha Maha Mantra in Hindi :

उक्रम् वीरम् महा विष्नुम्
ज्वलन्तम् सर्वथो मुकम्
न्रुसिम्हम् बीषनम् बद्रम्
म्रुत्यु म्रुत्युम् नमाम् यहम्

The Narasimha Maha Mantra in Gujarati :

ઉગ્રં વીરં મહા વિશ્નું
જ્વાલણથં સરવઠો મુકં
ન્રુસિમ્હં બીશનં બદ્રં
મૃત્યુ મૃત્યું નમાં યહં

The Narasimha Maha Mantra in Kannada :

ಉಗ್ರಂ ವೀರಂ ಮಹಾ ವಿಷ್ಣುಮ್
ಜ್ವಲಂತಂ ಸರ್ವಥಾ ಮುಖಂ
ನೃಸಿಂಹಂ ಭೀಷನಂ ಭದ್ರಂ
ಮೃತ್ಯು ಮೃತ್ಯುಮ್ ನಮಾಂ ಯಹಂ

The Narasimha Maha Mantra in Malayalam :

ഉഗ്രം വീരം മഹാ വിഷ്ണും
ജ്വലന്തം സർവതോ മുഖം
നൃസിംഹം ഭീഷണം ഭദ്രം
മൃത്യു മൃത്യും നമാം യഹം

The Narasimha Maha Mantra in Tamil :

உக்ரம் வீரம் மஹா விஷ்ணும்
ஜ்வலந்தம் சர்வதோ முகம்
ந்ருஸிம்ஹம் பீஷணம் பத்ரம்
ம்ருத்யு ம்ருத்யும் நமாம் யஹம்

The Narasimha Maha Mantra in Telugu :

ఉగ్రం వీరం మహా విష్ణుం
జ్వలన్తం సర్వతో ముఖం
నృసింహం భీషణం భద్రం
మృత్యు మృత్యుమ్ నమాం యహం

The Narasimha Maha Mantra in Roman Transliteration :

Ugraṁ vīraṁ mahā viṣnuṁ
jvalanthaṁ sarvathō mukaṁ
nrusimhaṁ bīśanaṁ badraṁ
mrutyu mrutyuṁ namāṁ yahaṁ

Narasimha Anushtup Mantra

The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra is the Anushtup Mantra dedicated to Lord Narasimha. The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra is one of the most powerful mantra of all mantras. This Anushtup Mantra consists of 32 aksharams (32 alphabets) which forms the Narasimha Maha Mantra. Apart from the 32 aksharams, the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra also consists of 32 mantra verses. Brahma is the rishi, Nrusimha is the devata, and Santas is the anushtup of this mantra.

It is advised to chant the other Narasimha Mantras such as the Narasimha Moola Mantra, Narasimha Gayatri Mantra, and Narasimha Maha Mantra before chanting the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra.

Narasimha Anushtup Mantra
The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra is the Anushtup Mantra dedicated to Lord Narasimha. The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra is one of the most powerful mantra of all mantras. This Anushtup Mantra consists of 32 aksharams (32 alphabets) which forms the Narasimha Maha Mantra. Apart from the 32 aksharams, the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra also consists of 32 mantra verses. Brahma is the rishi, Nrusimha is the devata, and Santas is the anushtup of this mantra.

It is advised to chant the other Narasimha Mantras such as the Narasimha Moola Mantra, Narasimha Gayatri Mantra, and Narasimha Maha Mantra before chanting the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra.

Lord Narasimha

Benefits Of Praying To Lord Narasimha
The benefits of praying to Lord Narasimha are aplenty. Lord Narasimha is said to protect his devotees from all types of misfortunes in life and gives successive successes in all endeavors. It is believed that he is also a boon giver in Kali Yuga when he is worshiped with utmost devotion. It also provides peace and tranquility. It reduces mental agony, relieves stress, and depressions. All those suffering from mental diseases can chant this mantra.

The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra given in this article will ensure all around success, a problem-free and worry-free life, blessings of Lord Narasimha along with all the other Gods and Goddesses such as Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Gauri (Parvati) among others. A person who chants the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra with utmost devotion and wholeheartedly and has won the anugraha of Lord Narasimha will live like king of kings.

Best Days To Chant Narasimha Anushtup Mantra
If you are unable to chant the mantra on a daily basis, you may chant it on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Sundays. Other than that, you may chant the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra on Swati Nakshatra days as well as on Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi days. You may also chant it on Narasimha Jayanti that falls on the Hindu month of Vaishaka (mid-April till mid-May) each year during Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi.

Best Day To Initiate The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra
The best days to initiate the mantra are either on a Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi or on a Shukla Paksha Swati Nakshatra day. A day that has the combination of both the tithi and nakshatra is considered utmost auspicious to start chanting the Narasimha Mantra. Apart from that, once can also initiate the Narasimha Mantra on Narasimha Jayanti.

Best Time To Chant The Anushtup Mantra Of Narasimha
The mantra is best recited during Brahma Muhurta. Apart from that, one can also chant it during sunrise and sunset. Mangal Hora (Mars Hora) is also considered auspicious to chant the mantras of Lord Narasimha.

Number of Times To Chant The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra
This mantra can be chanted for a minimum of 1 time on a daily basis. However, it is more beneficial when you chant the mantra either 11 or 32 times.

Who Can Chant This Mantra
This powerful mantra can be chanted by anyone regardless of gender and age.

*Ladies should avoid chanting this mantra during their monthly menstrual cycles.

Attaining Mantra Siddhi Of The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra
In order to attain mantra siddhi of the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra, you must start chanting it starting from a Shukla Paksha Chaturdasi tithi and it must be chanted for 32 times daily for a period of 108 days.

How To Worship Lord Narasimha ?
You can use the either the photo or yantra of Narasimha.

*One is advised to be pure vegetarian while chanting the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra.

*The mind, body, and soul must be pure.

*One must avoid criminal as well as sexual thoughts and sexual relationships during the period of chanting the Anushtup Mantra of Lord Narasimha.

Where To Chant The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra
This mantra should be chanted facing the East while seated on either the Northeast or East quadrant of your house or puja room. One can also chant this mantra outdoors while watching the sunrise.

Naivedyam / Nivedyam / Nivedhinam / Prasadham (Food Offerings) For Narasimha
The most preferred Naivedyam of Lord Narasimha is panakam. Panakam is a drink made with jaggery, cardamon, tulasi (basil), and ginger. Besides panakam, one can also offer sweet prasads such as sweet pongal and traditional sweets as well as fruits.

Besides that, just a handful or a small piece of jaggery and/or rock sugar too can be offered as naivedyam (nivedhinam) to Lord Narasimha.

Flowers / Plants For Lord Narasimha
The holy Tulasi (holy basil) is normally used for worshiping Lord Narasimha. Other than that, any fragrant white flowers such as Jasmine, White Champa, White Lotus, and White Rose can be offered.

*Never ever offer artificially coloured flowers to Gods.

Japa Mala For Narasimha Anushtup Mantra
You can use rosary beads (japa mala) made out of the bark of basil plant known as Tulasi Mala or clear quartz crystal (spadika mala) for the japa of the Narasimha Anushtup Mantra

The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra is given below :

Om Um Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Brahma

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (1)

Om Kram Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Vishnu

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (2)

Om Veem Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Maheshwara

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (3)

Om Ram Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Purusha

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (4)

Om Mam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Ishwara

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (5)

Om Haam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ya Saraswathi

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (6)

Om Vim Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ya Shree

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (7)

Om Shnam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ya Gauri

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (8)

Om Jvam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ya Prakruthi

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (9)

Om Lam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ya Vidhya

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (10)

Om Tham Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Omkara

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (11)

Om Sam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ya Sadasrortha-mathras

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (12)

Om Vam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ye Cha Veda Sanga Sashaaka

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (13)

Om Thohm Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ye Panchaknaya

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (14)

Om Mum Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ya Saptha Vya-hrudaya

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (15)

Om Kam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ye Sashtow Loka Paala

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (16)

Om Nrum Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ye Sashtow Vasava

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (17)

Om Sim Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ye Cha Rudra

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (18)

Om Ham Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ye Cha Aditya

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (19)

Om Bheem Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Ye Sashtow Gruha

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (20)

Om Sham Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yani Pancha Mahaa Bhootani

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (21)

Om Nam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Kaala

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (22)

Om Bham Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Manu

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (23)

Om Dhrem Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Mrutyu

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (24)

Om Mrum Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Yama

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (25)

Om Dyum Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Anthaka

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (26)

Om Mrum Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Praana

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (27)

Om Dyum Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Surya

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (28)

Om Nam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Soma

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (29)

Om Maam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Virat Purusha

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (30)

Om Myam Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Jeeva

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (31)

Om Ham Om

Yo Vai Nrusimho Dhevo Bhagavan

Yashcha Sarvam

Thasmai Vai Namo Namaha (32)

The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra in Kannada :

ನರಸಿಂಹ ಅನುಷ್ಟುಪ್ ಮಂಥಿರಾಮ್

ಓಂ ಉಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಬ್ರಹ್ಮ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (1)

ಓಂ ಕ್ರಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ವಿಷ್ಣು
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (2)

ಓಂ ವೀಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಮಹೇಶ್ವರ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (3)

ಓಂ ರಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಪುರುಷ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (4)

ಓಂ ಮಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಈಶ್ವರ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (5)

ಓಂ ಹಾಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಾ ಸರಸ್ವತಿ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (6)

ಓಂ ವೀಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಾ ಶ್ರೀ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (7)

ಓಂ ಷ್ಣಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಾ ಗೌರಿ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (8)

ಓಂ ಜ್ವಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಾ ಪ್ರಕೃತಿ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (9)

ಓಂ ಲಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಾ ವಿದ್ಯಾ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (10)

ಓಂ ತಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಓಂ ಕರ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (11)

ಓಂ ಸಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಾ ಸದಾಸ್ರೊರ್ಥಮಾತ್ರಸ್
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (12)

ಓಂ ವಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ವೇದ ಸಂಗಾ ಸಶಾಕಾ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (13)

ಓಂ ತೊಂ  ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯೇ ಪಂಚಕ್ನಯ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (14)

ಓಂ ಮುಮ್  ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಾ ಸಪ್ತ ವ್ಯ ಹೃದಯ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (15)

ಓಂ ಕಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯೇ ಸಶ್ಟೌ ಲೋಕ ಪಾಲಾ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (16)

ಓಂ ನೃಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯೇ ಸಶ್ಟೌ ವಸವ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:  (17)

ಓಂ ಸಿಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯೇ ಚ ರುದ್ರ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (18)

ಓಂ ಹಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯೇ ಚ ಆದಿತ್ಯ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (19)

ಓಂ ಭೀಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯೇ ಸಶ್ಟೌ ಗೃಹ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (20)

ಓಂ ಶಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಾನಿ ಪಂಚ ಮಹಾ ಭೂತಾನಿ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (21)

ಓಂ ನಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಕಾಲ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (22)

ಓಂ ಬಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಮನು
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (23)

ಓಂ ಡ್ರೆಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಮೃತ್ಯು
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (24)

ಓಂ ಮೃಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಯಮ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (25)

ಓಂ ದ್ಯುಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಅಂತಕ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (26)

ಓಂ ಮೃಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಪ್ರಾಣ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (27)

ಓಂ ದ್ಯುಮ್ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಸೂರ್ಯ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (28)

ಓಂ ನಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಸೋಮ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (29)

ಓಂ ಮಾಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ವಿರಾಟ್ ಪುರುಷ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (30)

ಓಂ ಮ್ಯಾಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಜೀವ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (31)

ಓಂ ಹುಂ ಓಂ
ಯೋ ವೈ ನೃಸಿಂಹೋ ದೇವೋ ಭಗವಾನ್
ಯಶ್ಚ ಸರ್ವಂ
ತಸ್ಮೈ ವೈ ನಮೋ ನಮ:   (32)

The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra in Tamil :

ஓம் உம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஷ்ச​ ப்ரஹ்மா​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (1)

ஓம் க்ரம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஷ்ச​ விஷ்ணு தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (2)

ஓம் வீம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஷ்ச​ மஹேஸ்வர​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (3)

ஓம் ரம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஷ்ச​ புருஷ​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (4)

ஓம் மம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஷ்ச​ ஈஷ்வர​​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (5)

ஓம் ஹாம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யா ஸரஸ்வதி​​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (6)

ஓம் வீம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யா ஸ்ரீ​​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (7)

ஓம் ஷ்நம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யா கௌரீ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (8)

ஓம் ஜ்வம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யா ப்ரக்ருதி தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (9)

ஓம் லம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யா வித்யா தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (10)

ஓம் தம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ ஓங்கார​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (11)

ஓம் ஸம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யா​ ஸதஸ்ரோர்த்தமாத்ராஸ்​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (12)

ஓம் வம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யே ச​​ வேதா சாங்கா ஸஷாகா​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (13)

ஓம் தோம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யே பஞ்சாக்நய தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (14)

ஓம் மும் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யா ஸப்த​ வ்யாஹ்ருதாய​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (15)

ஓம் கம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யே ஸாஷ்தௌ லோக​ பாலா​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (16)

ஓம் ந்ரும் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யே ஸாஷ்தௌ வஸவ​​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (17)

ஓம் ஸிம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யே ச​ ருத்ரா​​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (18)

ஓம் ஹம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யே ச​ ஆதித்யா​​ தஸ்மை வை நமோ நம​:   (19)

ஓம் பீம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யே சாஷ்தௌ க்ருஹா வை நமோ நம​:   (20)

ஓம் ஷம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யநி பஞ்ச​ மஹா பூதானி வை நமோ நம​:   (21)

ஓம் ணம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ கால​ வை நமோ நம​:   (22)

ஓம் பம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ மநு​ வை நமோ நம​:   (23)

ஓம் த்ரெம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ ம்ருத்யு​ வை நமோ நம​:   (24)

ஓம் ம்ரும் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ யம​​ வை நமோ நம​:   (25)

ஓம் த்யும் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ அந்தக​​​ வை நமோ நம​:   (26)

ஓம் ம்ரும் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ ப்ராண​​​​​ வை நமோ நம​:   (27)

ஓம் த்யும் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ சூர்ய​​​​​​ வை நமோ நம​:   (28)

ஓம் நம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ ஸோம​​​​​​​ வை நமோ நம​:   (29)

ஓம் மாம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ விராத் புருஷா​​​​​​ வை நமோ நம​:   (30)

ஓம் ம்யம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ ஜீவ​​​​​​​​ வை நமோ நம​:   (31)

ஓம் ஹம் ஓம் யோ வை ந்ருஸிம்ஹா தேவோ பகவான்
யஸ்ச​ ஸர்வம்​​​​​​​​ வை நமோ நம​:   (32)

The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra in Telugu :

ఓం ణ్రం ణ్రం ణ్రం నరసింహాయ నమ​:

The Narasimha Anushtup Mantra in Roman Transliteration :

Ōṁ uṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca brahma
tasmai vai namō nama: (1)

Ōṁ kraṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca viṣṇu
tasmai vai namō nama: (2)

Ōṁ vīm ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca mahēśvara
tasmai vai namō nama: (3)

Ōṁ raṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca puruṣa
tasmai vai namō nama: (4)

Ōṁ maṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca īśvara
tasmai vai namō nama: (5)

Ōṁ hāṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yā sarasvati
tasmai vai namō nama: (6)

Ōṁ vīm ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yā śrī
tasmai vai namō nama: (7)

Ōṁ ṣṇam ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yā gauri
tasmai vai namō nama: (8)

Ōṁ jvam ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yā prakr̥ti
tasmai vai namō nama: (9)

Ōṁ laṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yā vidyā
tasmai vai namō nama: (10)

Ōṁ taṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca ōṁ kara
tasmai vai namō nama: (11)

Ōṁ saṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yā sadāsrorthamātras
tasmai vai namō nama: (12)

Ōṁ vaṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca vēda saṅgā saśākā
tasmai vai namō nama: (13)

Ōṁ toṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yē pan̄caknaya
tasmai vai namō nama: (14)

Ōṁ mum ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yā sapta vya hr̥daya
tasmai vai namō nama: (15)

Ōṁ kam ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yē saśṭau lōka pālā
tasmai vai namō nama: (16)

Ōṁ nr̥m ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yē saśṭau vasava
tasmai vai namō nama: (17)

Ōṁ sim ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yē ca rudra
tasmai vai namō nama: (18)

Ōṁ haṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yē ca āditya
tasmai vai namō nama: (19)

Ōṁ bhīm ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yē saśṭau gr̥ha
tasmai vai namō nama: (20)

Ōṁ śaṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yāni pan̄ca mahā bhūtāni
tasmai vai namō nama: (21)

Ōṁ naṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca kāla
tasmai vai namō nama: (22)

Ōṁ baṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca manu
tasmai vai namō nama: (23)

Ōṁ ḍrem ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca mr̥tyu
tasmai vai namō nama: (24)

Ōṁ mr̥m ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca yama
tasmai vai namō nama: (25)

Ōṁ dyum ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca antaka
tasmai vai namō nama: (26)

Ōṁ mr̥m ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca prāṇa
tasmai vai namō nama: (27)

Ōṁ dyum ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca sūrya
tasmai vai namō nama: (28)

Ōṁ naṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca sōma
tasmai vai namō nama: (29)

Ōṁ māṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca virāṭ puruṣa
tasmai vai namō nama: (30)

Ōṁ myaṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca jīva
tasmai vai namō nama: (31)

Ōṁ haṁ ōṁ
yō vai nr̥sinhō dēvō bhagavān
yaśca sarvaṁ
tasmai vai namō nama: (32)

The Nrisimha Gayatris

Om Nrisimhaye vidmahe
vajranakhaya dhimahi
tan no simhah prachodayat


"Om. Let us think well aware of Nrisimha, the lightning-nailed.
May the Lion promote our thought and actions."

Vajra nakhaya vidmahe
tikshna damstraya dhimahi
tan no narasimhah prachodayat


"Let us meditate on He who is known as the possessor of nails as hard as
thunderbolts and sharp teeth. Let us all be enthused by Lord Narasimhadeva."

Sri Nrisimha Maha-mantra

ugram viram maha-vishnum
jvalantam sarvato mukham
nrisimham bhishanam bhadram
mrityur mrityum namamy aham


"I bow down to Lord Narasimha who is ferocious and heroic like Lord Vishnu.
He is burning from every side. He is terrific, auspicious and
the death of death personified."

Significance of Sri Nrisimha Maha-mantra
It is stated in Shastra that this mantra is the essence of all kavacha mantras, or mantras meant for wearing in a kavacha (capsule). The mantra is often written on a small piece of bark, such as from the botch tree. Then it is sealed in the capsule with a tulasi (Holy Basil) leaf or even flower petals that have been offered to the deity of Lord Narasimha. After worshipping the deity of Lord Narasimha with sixteen upacharas or items of worship, the pujari or priest performs a ritual called prana-pratistha: he calls the Lord to reside in the kavacha. He then worships the kavacha. Then it has full protective power. Men can wear the kavacha around the neck or on the upper right arm, while women wear it around the neck or on the upper left arm. The Kavacha may be worn in all circumstances, at any time, or in any place.

Runa Vimochana Narasimha Stotram

Devata karya sidhyartham, sabhasthambha samudbhavam,
Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye. 1

Lakshmya aalingitha vamangam, bhakthanaam vara dayakam,
Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye. 2

Aantramaladaram, sankha chakrabja aayudarinim,
Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye. 3

Smaranath sarva papagnam, khadruja visha nasanam,
Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye. 4

Simhanadenamahatha, digdanthi bhayanasanam,
Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye. 5

Prahlada varadam, srisam, daithyeswara vidharanam,
Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye. 6

Kroora grahaih peedithanam bhakthanam abhaya pradham,
Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye. 7

Veda vedantha yajnesam, brahma rudradhi vandhitham,
Sri nrisimham mahaveeram namami runa mukthaye. 8

Ya idam pathathe nithyam, runa mochana samjnitham
Anrni jayathe sadyo, danam sigramavapnuyath

Significance of Runa Vimochana Narasimha Stotram

This is a powerful sloka that when recited regularly will relieve people of their debts and
insolvency however severe and acute.

Narasimha Prapatti



Mother is Narasimha; Father is Narasimha
Brother is Narasimha; Friend is Narasimha
Knowledge is Narasimha; Wealth is Narasimha
My Lord is Narasimha; Everything is Narasimha.
Narasimha is in this world, Narasimha is everywhere (Omnipresent)
Wherever I go, there is Narasimha
Narasimha is the Supreme Lord, there is none other than HIM
So, I humbly seek refuge in you, Shri Narasimha
Significance of Narasimha Prapatti

A simple sloka that acts as a ‘great protective shield’ at all times 

Jai jai narasimha !! Jai jai narasimha !!

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